Author Guideline
Author Guidelines
riseme (Research in Science and Mathematics Education) receives manuscripts from research and scientific review that have not been published and are not in the publication process of the other scientific journal. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English which will be reviewed by an editorial board that is in accordance with the theme of the manuscript. The manuscript must be written as a word document (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file.
The manuscript well-typed in single column on A4 size paper, use 12 pt of Tahoma. The manuscript contains an original work and have potentially contribute to the highly scientific advancement.
The manuscript should contain the following section in order:
The title must be written briefly and clearly, and must show precisely the problem to be raised, not to provide a variety of interpretive opportunities, not to contain abbreviations that are not commonly used, not too long (no more than 15 words), Tahoma, font size 16 pt Bold.
Full name without academic degrees and titles, the author name should be accompanied by complete affiliation address and corresponding email.
The abstract is written in Italic for English and non-italic for Indonesian, the maximum number of words written is 250 words with a font size of 10 pt and Tahoma font and single spacing between lines. If the article is in Indonesian, the abstract must be written in Indonesian and English. If the article is in English, the abstract must be written in English only but still write the Indonesian title as well and vice versa with 12 pt Tahoma font. The abstract should contain the core purpose of the research by describing the background, importance and purpose of your research. Just 2-3 paragraphs, For Methods - must describe the research methods / approaches used. Such as the type of method, tools, data sources, data collection, population/sample and data analysis. Then for research results, it is necessary to describe the research findings in accordance with the research questions or objectives.
Keywords: present 3-5 keywords that can represent your study/research.
4. INTRODUCTION [Introduction is written in Tahoma font 12 pt. with 1 space].
Contains the background, rationale, and/or urgency of the research. References (literature or relevant research) need to be included in this section, in relation to the justification of the urgency of the research, the emergence of research problems, alternative solutions, and the chosen solution. The introduction also contains the novelty of the research by describing what has been done in previous studies and what has not been done as well as justifying the difference between this research and previous studies. Previous research reviewed is recommended to have been published in international and national journals within the last 10 years. The conclusion of the introduction should include the purpose of the research.
The method of writing reference sources in the text needs to clearly indicate the author's surname and year of publication. For example, research results show that more than 70% of students are unable to recognise authentic problems (Retnawati, 2014). The degree of recency of the references referred to is by looking at the proportion of publications published in the last 10 years and referring to primary literature (journal articles, not books).
The problems and/or hypotheses, expected results or research objectives in this article are written narratively in paragraphs, with no need for special subheadings. Similarly, operational definitions, if necessary, are also written narratively.
The introduction is written in Tahoma-12 upright, with 1 space. Each paragraph begins with a word that protrudes 5 digits, or about 1 cm from the left edge of each column. Each paragraph consists of one main idea and contains at least 3 sentences. Each paragraph must be coherent (have a connection) with the previous paragraph and use effective Indonesian language according to EYD rules. Avoid using conjunctions at the beginning of a paragraph. The use of quotations is recommended not at the beginning of the paragraph and it is recommended not to use direct quotations (preferably paraphrased with your own sentences) to avoid plagiarism.
5. METHODS [Tahoma-12, space 1.]
Contains the type of research, time and place of research, target/targets, research subjects, procedures, instruments and data analysis techniques as well as other matters relating to how the research is conducted. Targets, research subjects, procedures, data and instruments, and data collection techniques, as well as data analysis techniques and other matters relating to how the research is conducted can be written in subtitles. Subtitles do not need to be notated, but are written in lowercase letters beginning with capital letters, Tahoma-12 Bold, left-aligned.
Particularly for qualitative research, the time and place of the research need to be written clearly and completely (for quantitative research, it is also necessary). The research target/subject (for qualitative research) or population-sample (for quantitative research) needs to be described in detail and clearly in this section. It is also necessary to state the technique of obtaining subjects (qualitative research) and or the sampling technique (quantitative research).
Procedures need to be described according to the type of research in detail. How the research will be conducted and the data obtained should be described in this section. For experimental research, the type of experimental design used should be stated in this section.
The type of data, how the data is collected, with which instrument the data is collected, and how the collection technique is carried out, needs to be clearly described in the section on data collection techniques and instruments. The instruments used should outline what aspects/indicators are being measured, the type of instrument, the form of the instrument, its technical use, and other relevant information. This section should also outline guarantees related to the quality of the instrument, such as how to prove its validity and estimate its reliability.
Data analysis techniques include how to interpret the data obtained, in relation to the research problems and objectives. For experimental research, it is not necessary to write statistical formulas, but it is sufficient to mention what tests are used and the decision-making criteria. For qualitative research, researchers also need to describe the things that are done to ensure the validity and consistency of the research results.
6. RESEARCH RESULTS [Tahoma-12, space 1.]
Research results are presented in graphical, tabular, or descriptive form. Analysis and interpretation of these results are required before they are discussed. For experimental research, the order of presentation of results is adjusted to the research hypothesis, while for qualitative research it is adjusted to the research questions. Tables are written in the centre or at the end of each text description of research results/objectives. The title of the table is written from left to centre, with only the first word beginning with a capital letter. If more than one line, it is written in single space.
Results in the form of images, or data made into images / schemes / graphs / diagrams / the like, the presentation also follows the existing rules; the title or name of the image is placed below the image, from the left, and spaced 1 space from the image.If more than 1 line, between lines are single-spaced.
Ensure that all tables and figures are given an explanation or interpretation, but do not repeat the information in the table. The interpretation or explanation can be done by highlighting salient points, or similarities, or differences. All tables and figures must be referred to (mentioned) in the text of the manuscript. Avoid mentioning ‘can be seen in the table above/below’, but directly mention ‘can be seen in Table 1’ or ‘...’.
7. DISCUSSION [Tahoma-12, space 1.]
The discussion focuses on linking the data and the results of its analysis with the problem or research objectives. The discussion also focuses on linking the results or findings of research with the results of research and relevant theories. The discussion is also an answer to the question of why facts are found as in the data. The discussion also outlines the real contribution of the research results or findings to relevant fields, especially for the development of science and mathematics education. The discussion also outlines the limitations of the research and its implications for practice and future research opportunities.
8. CONCLUSION [Tahoma-12, space 1.]
Contains briefly and clearly about: (1) sufficiently answer the problem or research objectives (do not discuss again); (2) also a conclusion from the author logically and honestly based on the facts obtained; (3) implications or suggestions that are operational in nature with reference to research findings. Write it in one paragraph of maximum 300 words. Conclusions are written in narrative, not using bullet and numbering format.
9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [Tahoma-12, space 1."Optional]
Acknowledgements (if any) are addressed to other parties who have provided support to the research process such as research sponsors, cooperation partners, and so on.
All references written in the text must be included in the bibliography. Citations and reference lists are written following the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition style, and it is recommended to use reference management software such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, or others. The referenced sources should be recent references not older than the last ten years. Primary references (journals/proceedings/theses/dissertations) should make up at least 80% of all references. The number of references referred to must be at least 15 references with at least 60% in the ‘Introduction’.
For references that have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), the author must include it according to the provisions of APA Style 7th edition. If the reference does not have a DOI, the author can include the URL where the reference is published. Make sure the URL does not have errors. The bibliography is written in single space (6 pt space between bibliography). Some examples of how to write references are as follows.